
Turn off closed captioning vudu
Turn off closed captioning vudu

turn off closed captioning vudu


mp4 file, place it in the same folder, and the subs should automatically come on. Even though you won’t be submitting this file, you can watch it using, for example, VLC.

turn off closed captioning vudu

srt subtitle file of the closed captioning (it’s an easy convert for them). So ask the lab to ALSO provide you with a. If your film is only in English and you only need to produce closed captioning, these files are pretty much gibberish. TECH TIP: We recommend watcing your film through before you deliver with all subtitle and CC files. Together with the closed captioning, they make up a complete dialogue of your film, but they should not overlap, or else you’ll be in a situation where the same lines of text are appearing twice on the screen, and your film will be rejected. This “Forced Narrative” subtitle file is rather a new concept, so when you work with your subtitle lab (if you need suggestions for labs to work with, check out the ‘Subtitling, Closed Captioning and Transcription Services and Solutions’ section on the ResourcePlace tab on our website), make sure they understand that an English language forced narrative file (unlike Closed Captioning or regular subtitles) does not need to be manually turned on for territories where English is the main language, and in fact cannot be turned off in those Territories. You will need to produce both a Closed Captioning file and what is called a Forced Narrative Subtitle file.

  • Your film is mostly in English but there are a few lines (or more) of dialogue that are not in English.
  • You will need to produce a subtitle file only (Closed Captioning is not required) You will need to produce a Closed Captioning file
  • Your film is in English and has no subtitles.
  • turn off closed captioning vudu

    This can get kind of tricky, so it’s important to understand what is needed and to not expect that the lab you are working with is impervious to mistakes. Pretty much the only way to go nowadays is to submit a textless master, with external subtitles.

  • Subtitles and Closed Captioning (part 1).
  • We have handled almost 50 films in the past three years via our DIY Digital Distribution Program, and the bottom line is that if you expecing people to find your film simply because it’s on iTunes while you sit back and move on to your next project, you are probably going to be in for a rude awakening. A better option might be to do VHX or Vimeo on Demand and spend that money on marketing to drive people to your site. Are your 1500 Facebook fans going to come through for you? Most probably won’t. Think of how many people will need to rent your film at $4 (and that’s before the platform’s cut) for you to recoup that money, and then think how many more will have to do so for you to recoup your investment. It will cost at least $2K to do iTunes/Amazon/GooglePlay. Again, check with your distributor/lab before you produce any deliverables. The following also mostly applies to TVOD platforms, but may also apply to others. Much of this may apply to films who have sold to distributors, but this post is mostly aimed at those doing DIY distribution. Especially deliverables outside North America, which are sure to diverge from what is below. Always check with your lab or distributor to make sure their deliverable specs adhere to what is outlined below.

    Turn off closed captioning vudu